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Wavelength provides small personalized snorkelling tours to the Great Barrier Reef with no more than 48 passengers. On average, other Great Barrier Reef tour operators take group sizes of 90 passengers or more to the reef on one boat, and some of the larger boats can take as many as 400 passengers. Wavelength doesn’t have a large or diverse business and their full attention is just on their small group of passengers, so you can be assured of excellent care and service.

Wavelength selects all their sites based on the specific needs of snorkellers. As coral needs sunlight to grow, the best coral and fish diversity is near the surface. They take you to exclusive reef sites owned by Wavelength and chosen specifically on the day by the skipper to suit the tides and weather conditions. As one of the longest established local Great Barrier Reef tour operators, Wavelength has the best selection of outer reef sites available for snorkeling.

Your day with Wavelength begins with a courtesy transfer from your accommodation to their shop at the Reef Marina. You’re greeted there for check-in at 8.00am, then board the vessel where tea or coffee is available. Wavelength then departs on a 90-minute trip to the edge of the continental shelf, passing Low Isles en route. On the way they often encounter dolphins and in winter may see dwarf minke or humpback whales.

On arrival at the outer reef the snorkel advisor conducts a comprehensive gear and safety brief. Once in the water guests are free to explore the reef under the expert advice of the crew.

After morning tea you will move along to another one of their many sites, chosen to suit the conditions on the day. A guided snorkel tour commences and marine biologists help snorkellers discover aspects of the new site that might otherwise be missed, and point out some of the multitude of life forms. On a guided snorkel tour it’s possible to be handed a small number of different creatures, though their are strict guidelines on what can be touched so as to protect the integrety of the reef.

Next a delicious deli-style lunch is provided. During lunch, marine biologists conduct an interactive reef talk. This is where you can ask questions on anything that you’ve seen through the day or simply sit, relax and learn all about the ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef.

Once everyone’s appetites have been satisfied the tour heads to the final site of the day, where, with a better understanding of the reef, guests are free to adventure further.  Following afternoon tea Wavelength heads back with the wonderful view of the sun dropping towards the rainforest clad mountains. Wavelength arrives back in Port at approximately 4.30pm.

Start Planning your trip!

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